God is still God, and God is still Good


God is still God, and God is still Good

The news seems to be getting scarier and more disturbing by the day, the international news and local alike. So much seems so very hopeless in our world. Even in our own country we watch as the laws of God are being removed from courthouses, and the very foundations of our families are threatened.

Unfortunately, as it says in Ecclesiastes there is nothing new under the sun.

Many times in the Bible we are painted these pictures of stories throughout history that seem to be completely hopeless: like when God’s chosen people were slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years, the Babylonian Exile under King Nebucanezer where the people of God felt that he had failed at keeping his promise, that through the line of David the messiah would come, and yet this situation now looked hopeless. The day Jesus was crucified, think of the people that trusted in him, what were they to think now? It seemed so hopeless.

Thank God we have the full story, because we know the outcome of each of these. God wasn’t sleeping, dead or not strong enough. He was still God and still good. He was building his kingdom, showing his power and spreading his word throughout the world though the people of God couldn’t see it at the time.

Today we must remember that God is still God, and God is still good. Recently a leader in our fellowship pointed out that with all of the strife in the Middle East people are immigrating to Europe to get away from these terrorist groups. People who once lived in countries that did not allow the true God to be spoken about are now coming to places that we have missionaries and it is completely legal and easy to share the love of Christ with them. The church has seen Muslims come to Christ and go back to their home countries and share with their families who may never have had a chance at the hope of Jesus Christ. God is still God and God is still good.

I don’t know how God will use what is going on in our nation to show his power and spread his word, but we must remember, he knows what he is doing and this wasn’t a surprise to him.

In the last two weeks in our little family we suffered a tragedy, our darling Deborah Joy passed away before she ever took her first breath. Just 7 more weeks and she would have been in our arms, but she went to be with Jesus instead. I don’t know why, or understand how God can show his glory or build his kingdom through this and may never know this side of eternity, but we can rest assured, that God is still God, and God is still good as he proves himself over and over again to us.

John 14:1-4 (Jesus comforts his disciples)

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”



Answered Prayers and Encouraging Words


June Wallpaper