Can I Face Tomorrow?

Can I face tomorrow?

Every day is so uncertain, no matter how much we plan, hope, and stay on top of things, we never know what’s coming. It seems more so lately. This year seems to have been one thing after another to ruin plans and hopes. Lockdowns, sicknesses, fires, unexpected deaths, children out of school, parents out of work, people turning on each other, many losing faith in humanity... The news reporting more and more cases, more hate, more destruction, more loss, and less hope. If you sit and contemplate these things, it's easy to wonder, can we face another tomorrow? Will there be anything left?

I was speaking to a friend just the other day about our children, how scary this world can be, and wondering what the future holds for our precious babies. Looking at the advancement of technology only in our lifetime is astounding. Queue my son asking, “What’s a CD?” Why do toy phones have wires?” and “Did your mom and dad take away your iPad when you were in trouble?” It's funny how much the world and everyday life has changed, but it's scary at the same time. What's next? By the time they are grown, the world will be completely different again. Will be it harder to be a Christian, and stand up for our beliefs as more and more Christians turn to a secular world view? 

This conversation was not a new thought. I have been thinking about our children and the next generation, even before I had children. Though I know as Ecclesiastes says “there is nothing new under the sun,” and humans really are no more evil than we have ever been, it still weighs heavy on my heart.

This is in the future though, many years even decades in the future, but what about tomorrow? This year, we never know the next curveball that is coming. 

A few weeks ago at a church, Adam and I were visiting, during the worship set the song “Because he lives” was sung. I have sung this song maybe hundreds of times before. It's a song I remember singing as a child, usually in French, but I am not sure I ever completely comprehended the second verse before. As I held the hymn book, and read the words it hit me ever so sweetly...

How sweet to hold a newborn baby
And feel the pride and the joy he gives
But greater still the calm assurance
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives

(By William and Gloria Gaither)

The calm assurance swept over my soul. We know He lives. We know He will continue to live. We know there is a certainty for tomorrow because He lives. This is not earth-shattering theology by any means, it's the core of our faith, and of our lives. Without the assurance that Jesus lives, there would be no hope. But yes we know we can face the tomorrows of these uncertain times because He lives. We can be assured that when our children grow He will still be living, and there will ALWAYS be hope.

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.


What are you anticipating this Christmas season?


Weatherly Report October 2020